

Description: THE ANCIENT SUMERIAN & MESOPOTAMIA COLLECTION ~~~~~~~~ A truly wonderful collection of over 270 rare, out-of-print and hard-to-find books compiled together for the first time on 2 unique DVD data discs covering all aspects of the cradle of civilisation between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers – Ancient Mesopotamia. Discover the history, beliefs, customs, traditions, religions and languages of the most ancient civilisations that occupied this fascinating land – the Babylonians, Sumerians and the Assyrians. Archaeologists began to excavate in this region in the mid 19th century – their discovery of the ancient biblical cities of Babylon (Babel), Nimrud and Ninneveh are the stuff of legend. Ever since, further discoveries have continued to captivate the imagination of people around the world. This stunning archive is by far the most comprehensive we have seen available anywhere on ebay, and is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in ancient civilisations, the origins and history of mankind and the earliest known writings – namely the tablets of cuneiform telling tales of creation, the epic of Gilgamesh and other fascinating legends.…. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely rare and will provide a valuable library of reference material for anyone studying the history of ancient Mesopotamia. The full list of titles speaks for itself! This wonderful collection of 277 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop, computer, tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows: Disc 1: A chapter from the Babylonian books of private devotion by S. Langon (1908) A dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian inscriptions - G. Hager (1801) A guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian antiquities - E. Budge (1908) A history of art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol. 1 by G. Perrot (1884) A history of art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol. 2 by G. Perrot (1884) A history of Babylon from the foundation of the monarchy to the Persian conquest by L. W. King (1915) A history of Babylonia and Assyria Vol. 1 by R. W. Rogers (1900) A history of Babylonia and Assyria Vol. 2 by R. W. Rogers (1900) A history of Sumer and Akkad an account of the early races of Babylonia from prehistoric times to the foundation of the Babylonian monarchy by L. W. King (1910) A history of the Babylonians and Assyrians (2nd Edition) - G. S. Goodspeed (1902) A Sumerian Grammar and Chrestomathy - S. Langdon (1911) A Sumerian reading book by C. Gadd (1921) A Sumero-Babylonian sign list; to which is added an Assyrian sign list, and a catalogue of the numerals, weights and measures used at various periods by S. Mercer (1918) A system of accentuation for Sumero-Akkadian signs by C. A. Keiser (1919) Amurru, the home of the Northern Semites, a study showing that the religion and culture of Israel are not of Babylonian origin by A. T. Clay (1909) An Assyrian doomsday book, or, Liber censualis of the district round Harran in the seventh century B.C. - C. John s (1901) An essay on the age and antiquity of the Book of Nabathaean agriculture by E. Renan (1862) An introduction to the study of the Babylonians and Assyrians by E. Fair (1907) An old Babylonian version of the Gilgamesh epic, on the basis of recently discovered texts by M. Jastrow (1920) Ancient Babylonia by C. H. W. Johns (1913) Ancient fragments by I. P. Cory (1828) Ancient history from the monuments the history of Babylonia - G. Smith (1898) Aspects of religious belief and practice in Babylonia and Assyria - M. Jastrow (1911) Assyria, its princes, priests, and people - A. Sayce (1885) Assyrian and Babylonian contracts, with Aramaic reference notes by J. H. Stevenson (1902) Assyrian and Babylonian religious texts, being prayers, oracles, hymns, [etc.] copied from the original tablets by J. A. Craig (1895) Assyrian deeds and documents recording the transfer of property Vol. 1 - C. Johns (1898) Assyrian deeds and documents recording the transfer of property Vol. 2 - C. Johns (1898) Assyrian deeds and documents recording the transfer of property Vol. 3 - C. Johns (1898) Assyrian life and history - M. Harkness (1908) Babel and Bible - F. Delitzsch (1903) Babylon and Persia by Z. Ragozin (1888) Babylonia and Assyria, a sketch of their history by R. J. Murison (1898) Babylonian and Assyrian laws, contracts and letters by C. H. W. Johns (1904) Babylonian and Assyrian literature - comprising the epic of Izdubar, hymns, tablets, and cuneiform inscriptions - E. Wilson (1901) Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British Museum Vol. 1 by L. W. King (1912) Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British Museum Vol. 2 by L. W. King (1912) Babylonian business documents of the classical period - E. Grant (1919) Babylonian letters of the hammurapi period - A. Ungnad (1915) Babylonian Life and History (3rd Edition) by E. A. Wallis-Budge (1891) Babylonian Liturgies by S. Langdon (1913) Babylonian Magic and Sorcery by L. W. King (1896) Babylonian religion and mythology by L. W. King (1903) Babylonian-Assyrian birth-omens, and their cultural significance by M. Jastrow (1914) Babylonians and Assyrians - life and customs by A. Sayce (1900) Catalogue of the cuneiform tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British museum - C. Bezold (1889) Chaldean account of Genesis - containing the description of the creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the patriarchs, and Nimrod - G. Smith (1876) Chronicles concerning early Babylonian kings Vol. 1 by L. W. King (1907) Chronicles concerning early Babylonian kings Vol. 2 by L. W. King (1907) Chronology of the Larsa dynasty by E. M. Grice (1919) Cory's ancient fragments of the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and other authors by I. P. Cory (1876) Cuneiform documents in the Smith college library by E. Grant (1918) Cuneiform inscriptions, Chaldean, Babylonian and Assyrian collections contained in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan - C. Johns (1908) Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament by R. W. Rogers (1912) Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by A. Moldenke (1893) Cylinder A of the Esarhaddon inscriptions, transliterated and translated - R. Harper (1888) Damascus and Palmyra Vol. 1 - C. Addison (1838) Damascus and Palmyra Vol. 2 - C. Addison (1838) Die Babylonische Chronik von F. Delitzsch (1906) Die Kosmologie der Babylonier by P. Jensen (1890) Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon - A. Layard (1853) Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon - A. Layard (1859) Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia, including a residence among the Bakhtiyari and other wild tribes before the discovery of Nineveh Vol. 1 by A. H. Layard (1887) Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia, including a residence among the Bakhtiyari and other wild tribes before the discovery of Nineveh Vol. 2 by A. H. Layard (1887) Early Babylonian letters from Larsa - H. Lutz (1917) Egypt and Babylon from sacred and profane sources by G. Rawlinson (1885) Egypt and Western Asia in the light of recent discoveries by L. W. King (1907) Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century by H. V. Hilprecht (1903) First steps in Assyrian - L. King (1898) From under the dust of ages - a series of six lectures on the history and antiquities of Assyria and Babylonia - W. Boscawen (1886) Greece and Babylon, a comparative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anatolian and Hellenic religions - L. Farnell (1911) Handel und Wandel in Altbabylonien von F. Delitzsch (1910) History of Assurbanipal - G. Smith (1871) History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria Vols. 1-9 - G. Maspero (1901-06) History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria in the light of recent discovery - L. King (1906) Ishtar and Izdubar by L. Hamilton (1884) Lands and peoples of the Bible by J. Baikie (1914) Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians - A. Sayce (1909) Legends of Babylon and Egypt in relation to Hebrew tradition by L. W. King (1918) Media, Babylon and Persia, including a study of the Zend Avesta from the fall of Nineveh to the Persian war - Z. Ragozin (1903) Mesopotami and Assyria by J. Baillie Fraser (1842) Miscellaneous Babylonian inscriptions - G. Barton (1918) Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection - A. Clay (1915) Myths & legends of Babylonia & Assyria - L. Spence (1916) Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by D. A. Mackenzie (1915) Ninevah and its remains by A. H. Layard (1850) Nineveh and Babylon by A. H. Layard (1867) Nineveh and its remains Vol. 1 - A. Layard (1849) Nineveh and its remains Vol. 2 - A. Layard (1849) Nippur, or, Explorations and adventures on the Euphrates Vol. 1 by J. P. Peters (1897) Nippur, or, Explorations and adventures on the Euphrates Vol. 2 by J. P. Peters (1897) Old Assyrian laws - K. Tallqvist (1921) Old Babylonian business and legal documents (The RFH Collection) by T. J. Meek (1917) Old Babylonian temple records - R. Lau (1906) On Traces of an indefinite article in Assyrian by R. C. Thompson (1902) Pahlavi texts Part 1 (1880) Pahlavi texts Part 2 (1880) Pahlavi texts Part 3 (1880) Pahlavi texts Part 4 (1880) Pahlavi texts Part 5 (1880) Personal names from cuneiform inscriptions of the Cassite Period Vol. 1 by A. T. Clay (1912) Personal narrative of travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media, and Scythia, in the year 1824 Vol. 1 - G. Albemarle (1827) Primitive Semitic religion today - S. Curtiss (1902) Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus (555-538 B.C.) by R. P. Dougherty (1920) Records of the past - being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vols. 1-5 (1898) Records of the past - being English translations of the Ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia Vols. 1-12 by S. Birch (1873) Disc 2: Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, King of Assyria, about B.C. 1275 Vol. 1 - L. King (1904) Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, King of Assyria, about B.C. 1275 Vol. 2 - L. King (1904) Religious and moral ideas in Babylonia-Assyria by S. Mercer (1919) Remains of lost empires - sketches of the ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis - P. Myers (1875) Report on the Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 1884-85 by W. H. Ward (1886) Researches in Assyrian and Babylonian geography by O. A. Toffteen (1908) Selected Babylonian business and legal documents of the Hammurabi period by A. Ungnad (1907) Selected Babylonian kudurru inscriptions by W. J. Hinke (1911) Selected business documents of the Neo-Babylonian period by A. Ungnad (1908) Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem; cuneiform tablets in the library of Princeton University by E. Chiera (1922) Selected temple documents of the Ur Dynasty by C. E. Keiser (1919) Social life among the Babylonians and Assyrians by A. H. Sayce (1893) Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns of the Berlin collection transcribed and interpreted, with collation of the original tablets by M. I. Hussy (1907) Spiritism and the cult of the dead in antiquity - L. Paton (1921) Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Untersuchungen Vols. 1-3 - F. Kugler (1907) Sumerian and Semitic religious and historical texts Vol. 1 by S. Langdon (1921) Sumerian grammar and chrestomathy by S. Langdon (1911) Sumerian hymns from Cuneiform texts in the British Museum, transliteration, translation and commentary by F. A. Vanderburgh (1908) Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library, Manchester by C. L. Bedale (1915) Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum, copied with introduction and index of names of persons Vol. 1 by M. I. Hussy (1912) Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum, copied with introduction and index of names of persons Vol. 2 by M. I. Hussy (1912) Sumerier und Semiten in Babylonien by E. Meyer (1906) Tablets from the Archives of Drehem; with a complete account of the origin of the Sumerian calendar, translation, and commentary by S. Langdon (1911) Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson collection in Haskell Oriental Museum (1911) Tammuz and Ishtar - a monograph upon Babylonian religion and theology containing extensive extracts from the Tammuz liturgies and all of the Arbela oracles by S. Langdon (1914) The Abu Habba cylinder of Nabuna'id, by Nabonidus, King of Babylonia, 6th cent. B.C (printed 1905) The ancient East by D. G. Hogarth (1914) The Annals of Ashurbanapal - R. Lau (1903) The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions - A. Sayce (1908) The Assyrian Doomsday Book by C. H. W. Johns (1901) The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell by A. Jeremias (1902) The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania 21 Vols. (1893) The Babylonian Legends Of Creation by E. A. Wallis-Budge (1921) The Babylonian story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish - with an account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh by E. A. Wallis-Budge (1920) The Babylonian tablets of the Berens collection by T. Pinches (1915) The Bible and the monuments, the primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern research - W. Boscawen (1895) The Chaldean account of Genesis by G. Smith (1880) The Chaldean Account Of The Deluge by G. Smith (1873) The Chaldean Oracles Of Zoroaster by S. Aude (1895) The civilization of Babylonia and Assyria its remains, language, history, religion, commerce, law, art, and literature by M. Jastrow (1915) The code of Hammurabi by P. Handcock (1920) The Code Of Hammurabi translated by L. W. King (1915) The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon about 2250 B.C. by R. F. Harper (1904) The dawn of civilization - Egypt and Chaldæa by G. Maspero (1910) The devils and evil spirits of Babylonia Vol. 1 (1903) The devils and evil spirits of Babylonia Vol. 2 (1903) The doctrine of sin in the Babylonian religion - J. Morgenstern (1905) The early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad by C. J. Gadd (1921) The expectations formed by the Assyrians - F. Nolan (1826) The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world Vols. 1-4 - G. Rawlinson (1862) The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world Vol. 1 by G. Rawlinson (1903) The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world Vol. 2 by G. Rawlinson (1903) The great cylinder inscriptions A [and] B of Gudea, copied from the original clay cylinders of the Telloh Collection Vol. 1 by I. M. Price (1899) The great cylinder inscriptions A [and] B of Gudea, copied from the original clay cylinders of the Telloh Collection Vol. 2 by I. M. Price (1899) The historical bases of religions, primitive, Babylonian and Jewish - C. Johns (1914) The historical bases of religions, primitive, Babylonian and Jewish - H. Brown (1906) The History Of Assurbanipal by G. Smith (1871) The History Of Babylonia And Assyria - H. Winckler (1907) The history of Babylonia by G. Smith (1887) The history of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib) King of Assyria, B.C. 681-668 - E. Budge (1880) The Jews in Babylonia in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah according to Babylonian inscriptions - S. Daiches (1910) The law of Hammurabi and Moses; a sketch by H. Grimme (1907) The laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi by S. A. Cook (1903) The letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi, king of Babylon, about B.C. 2200 - L. King (1898) The letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about B.C. 2200 Vol. 1 by L. W. King (1898) The letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about B.C. 2200 Vol. 2 by L. W. King (1898) The life of the Ancient East - being some chapters of the romance of modern excavation by J. Baikie (1921) The monuments and the Old Testament; evidence from ancient records - I. Price (1900) The Nemesis of nations; studies in history the ancient world by W. R. Paterson (1907) The oath in Babylonian and Assyrian literature by S. Mercer (1912) The old Babylonian characters and their Chinese derivates - Terrien de Lacouperie (1888) The Old Testament in the light of the religion of Babylonia and Assyria by J. E. Thomas (1909) The oldest code of laws in the world, the code of laws promulgated by Hammurabi, king of Babylon, B. C. 2285-2242 by C. H. W. Johns (1903) The Parsi Religion by J. Wilson (1843) The Philistines - their history and civilization by R. A. C. Macalister (1914) The prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal found at Nineveh - R. Thompson (1918) The relations between the laws of Babylonia and the laws of the Hebrew peoples (2nd Edition) by C. H. W. Johns (1917) The religion of Babylonia and Assyria - R. Rogers (1908) The religion of Babylonia and Assyria by T. Pinches (1906) The religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia - A. Sayce (1902) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 1 - R. Thompson (1900) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 2 - R. Thompson (1900) The Samas religious texts classified in the British museum catalogue as hymns, prayers, and incantations - C. Gray (1901) The sculptures and inscription of Darius the Great on the Rock of Behistûn in Persia - a new collation of the Persian, Susian and Babylonian texts - L. King (1907) The seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world Vols. 1-3 - G. Rawlinson (1880) The seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world Vols. 1-3 by G. Rawlinson (1875) The seven tablets of creation or The Babylonian and Assyrian legends concerning the creation of the world and of mankind Vol. 2 - L. W. King (1902) The story of Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh - Z. Ragozin (1896) The story of Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria by Z. A. Ragozin (1886) The teachings of Zoroaster, and the philosophy of the Parsi religion by S. A. Kapadia (1913) The worship of the dead, or, The origin and nature of pagan idolatry and its bearing upon the early history of Egypt and Babylonia - J. Grnier (1909) Travels and researches in Chaldæa and Susiana; with an account of excavations at Warka, the Erech of Nimrod, and Shúsh, Shushan the Palace of Esther, in 1849-52 by W. K. Loftus (1857) Travels in Assyria by J. S. Buckingham (1830) Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia Vol. 1 - J. Buckingham (1830) Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia Vol. 2 - J. Buckingham (1830) Travels in Mesopotamia Vol. 1 - J. Buckingham (1827) Travels in Mesopotamia Vol. 2 - J. Buckingham (1827) Ur dynasty tablets, texts chiefly from Tello und Drehem written during the reigns of Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibn-Sin by J. B. Nies (1920) Yatkar I Zariran or memoirs of Zarir by C. F. Horne (1917) Zend Avesta Part 1 translated by J. Darmesteter (1880) Zend Avesta Part 2 translated by J. Darmesteter (1880) Zend Avesta Part 3 translated by J. Darmesteter (1880) An absolute must for anyone with an interest in ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerians and Babylonians, and ancient writings – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price! Quick Delivery – Free postage within the UK! All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices. Please note that these are data DVD discs that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. 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Price: 4.95 GBP

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

End Time: 2024-11-24T09:22:17.000Z

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Non-Fiction Subject: Ancient Civilization, Babylonia, Sumeria, Assyria

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Region: Middle East

Period: Ancient

Format: HQ scans of rare books on DVD

Author: Various

Subject: Ancient History

Subject 2: Archaeology

Time Period: Ancient

Language: English


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